5. Online Community?


Often, I have fun playing with the context in which work is viewed. This is the premise of the name, question context, I encourage viewers to question the way they think; be conscious of how they view what I post, inquire what context the work I post was intended to be viewed and imagine alternative perspectives of the subjects. This conceptual framework is based on my observations, I believe that contextual frameworks are critical in establishing an argument, basically, I am excited by the varied views held about any particular art piece – the work does not change but the interpretation changes the meaning and experience of it.

Additionally, I believe that the reproduction of visual art often facilitates the disassociation of work with its context. An example is that a statue of a political leader in the Philippines may only have an aesthetic appeal seen on a website and obviously different meanings for a national, an individual familiar with the individual represented and observing the piece directly (it is three dimensional).

I post anything that interest me, often that is art or design related, my blog features photographs, videos and music from local and foreign cultures.

There are numerous reasons I'm on the tumblr network. Definitely it's because the design is smooth with a simple interface, the dashboard displays the content of the blogs I follow big and finding cool blogs to follow is easy. Posting is a breeze and honestly the blogs I follow have the visuals in pop culture I love to absorb.

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